2. Seroplex Withdrawal, SSRI Discontinuation Syndrome, Shocks & More Dreams from The Dark Side

One afternoon a few days later I was out walking my dogs when I started to feel quite unwell. I was having very strange sensations, like I was being zapped with an electrical current every few seconds, especially when I turned my head quickly. I was suddenly aware of every nerve pathway in my body and my brain felt as if it was vibrating and buzzing in my skull. These came in very brief bursts but at regular intervals, just a minute or two apart. I had had similar sensations on previous days, but nothing like this - these were intense, frequent and very unpleasant. I felt my eyes too were making strange rapid movements that I couldn't seem to control. 

I hadn't been sleeping well and wondered if perhaps I was just tired or coming down with a cold, so I took myself off to bed for a couple of hours hoping to feel better after a bit of a nap. I know I fell asleep because I woke in a state of acute anxiety from a bad dream. The shock sensations were still there and over the next few nights the dreams got worse - they were nightmares like I had never had before, largely violent and macabre, about such dreadful things and so very graphic. I had no idea I was capable of imagining things like that. I would wake several times a night from these dreams and be so distressed by their content that I would try to stay awake until morning just so I didn't have to go back there again. Other times I would just lie there in tears until I eventually cried myself back to sleep, sometimes I would dream again and sometimes I wouldn't. These were truly dreams from the darkest side.

I finally decided to do an Internet search of the symptoms I was having, and that's when I discovered that what I was experiencing was a condition known as SSRI Discontinuation Syndrome. 


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