5. Oh Yeah Life goes On, Long After The Thrill Of Livin' Is Gone
It's a funny thing depression, you really don't know that it's happening to you the first time, or rather you don't know that it's depression. You know you feel like shit but can't put your finger on it. It just creeps up on you and before you know it you have become somebody else, suspended in this weird place where everything seems pointless, tiresome, and too much trouble to bother yourself with. Y ou just have to hope that either some one finds you and brings you back, or that your sense of self preservation will kick in and you'll call for help. I was 46 when it happened to me and I still can't think of a single reason why it happened. I have heard depression described as many things, The Black Dog being a popular one after Winston Churchill used it to refer to his own black moods. For me it felt like I was dragging round a bag of rocks in my stomach the whole time. I'm not even sure I noticed that the "thrill of living" had ev...